£19.00 - Global T120 TV Link Amp - Installation - freeview - TPS - The Perfect Signal Ltd
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Global T120 TV Link Amp
GLOBAL T120 2 Set Amp FM/UHF 2 way amplifier with IR control for Sky receiver
Fully compatible with the Sky Digital tvLINK system
Powered from the Sky Box or mains powered from a separate PSU
High Performance
Compact Design
6dB Gain @ 8V Supply
7dB Gain @ 12V Supply
£ 19
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The "T" Series tvLINK compatible TV Booster Splitters are designed to amplify the TV signals in a poor signal area, as well as distributing the TV signals, including the Sky Digital channel around the home.

The T120 & T140 (2 Way & 4 Way) can either be powered by the Sky digibox or via a separate mains power supply.

Each booster is designed to carry the return signal from the tvLINK back to the Sky digibox. This enables the viewer to watch and control from several locations.