£25.00 - Global F140 TV Link Amp - Spitters and Combiners - Installation - TPS - The Perfect Signal Ltd
Established 1996
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Global F140 TV Link Amp
GLOBAL F140 2 Set Amp FM/UHF 6-7dB gain 4 way amplifier with IR control for Sky receiver
Powered from the Sky Box or mains powered from a separate PSU
F Type connection
Compact Design
6dB Gain @ 8V Supply
7dB Gain @ 12V Supply
£ 25
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The F120 & F140 professional distribution amplifiers (DA's) are part of the range of broadband distribution amplifiers designed for both the trade and installer markets.

Completely compatible with the tvLINK, these DA's are built with the latest technology that amplifies the tvLINK signal back to the Sky digibox minimising the possibility of error.