£2.50 - 2-way Splitter Metal Y Shape (2 Outputs Female IEC) - Spitters and Combiners - Installation - TPS - The Perfect Signal Ltd
Established 1996
TPS Free Delivery
2-way Splitter Metal Y Shape (2 Outputs Female IEC)
Metal housed 2-way splitter
Input: IEC 169-2(f)
Output: IEC 169-2(m)x2
Insertion loss (dB) IN-OUT
5-40: < 3.6
40-470: < 4.0
470-7000: <4.5
£ 2.5
Metal housed 2-way splitter
Input: IEC 169-2(f)
Output: IEC 169-2(m)x2
Insertion loss (dB) IN-OUT
5-40: < 3.6
40-470: < 4.0
470-7000: <4.5

Isolation loss (dB) OUT-OUT
5-40: > 10
40-470: > 18
470-7000: > 20

Return Loss (dB) IN/OUT
5-40: > 9.5
40-470: > 9.0
470-7000: > 7.0